Parish Mailings
Available to anser the phone during the day for an hour or two while the staff is in a meeting. Prepare mailing (folding and stuffing the lettr, stamping, and sealing envelopes). Assisting the staff with small clerical jobs as needed during the work day.
CSA Table Volunteer
Accept pledges and payments for the Catholic Services Appeal during the weekend Masses in Lent. You may choose which dates and Mass times are the best for your schedule. Written instructions on this procedure are supplied.
Bulletin-Stuff Flyers
Stuff insterts (when we have them) in bulletin. Depending on the number of voulnteers, you will be scheduled approximately once every 3 months.
Gardening/Spring/Fall Clean-up
A team of men and/or women who assest in the maintaining of the outdoor plants and flowers that enhance the landscape around the church grounds and the rectory, on an ongoing basis. We are looking for a co-coordinator.