As a parish, we collect non-perishable food items to be taken to the St. Vincent de Paul South Oakland Food Depot housed at 28720 Stephenson Highway in Madison Heights. Our donations help feed countless local families in need. Deliveries are made every month on the last Sunday of the month.
o Current Urgent Need
St. Vincent de Paul
South Oakland Food Depot
The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is so very grateful to the good people of this parish for supporting the work of our County-wide food program in Madison Heights. Our parish is one of only a handful of parishes to provide regular support to the families who so desperately need the help.
Right now there is a critical need for the following items:
o Financial help can be given via the monthly envelope in your envelope packet, or on our SEAS online giving page.
o Paper products such as toilet paper, paper towels and facial tissues.
o Personal care products such as feminine products, diapers (larger than newborn), laundry detergent and cleaning supplies.
We are grateful to all of our young people who bring food for the offertory each week, and we thank and encourage all who can, to bring in food items and deposit them in the wooden bin in the Gathering Space.
Please check that items being donated have not yet expired; we cannot distribute items past their sell-by date for health safety reasons.
We appreciate your steadfast commitment in this Corporal Work of Mercy to helping our brothers and sisters in need.
Deb Peltier