The main gathering area located on the south side of church.
Following Monday Night Mass. “Never stop learning” is a life lesson that we try to instill in our children and yet as adults we often fall into the trap that we know enough. This is especially true when it comes to our Catholic education. We are confirmed and “fully educated” at an eighth grade level. It is our responsibility to make our religious education a lifelong activity. Here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton we offer continuing education under the term “Adult Formation”. One of these offerings is Merlot with the Messiah. On the last Monday of the month we get together for a low key, no pressure, facilitated discussion on a selected topic. The last few years we have sponsored a trivia night. As a lead in to our fall start up we will be asking some of these trivia questions that every Catholic should know. Ponder the questions and discuss them with your family. See how well you do. If you see room for improvement perhaps spending time with the formation opportunities are in order. After all knowledge is power! In a standard Rosary, on how many beads would you pray the Hail Mary? 53. Fifty in the decades and three in the prelude. Who does the Church consider the first martyrs for Christ? The Holy Innocents. The baby boys that were killed in place of Jesus in Bethlehem by Herod. St. Stephen is considered the first Christian martyr or first martyr of the Church but there were no Christians or Church until Pentecost. St. Stephen is the first martyr after Pentecost.